Resistbot Petition: Vote Yes on HB526/SB232 (Pa. only)
An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Pa. only)

Vote Yes on HB526/SB232

5 so far! Let’s get to 10 signers!

It’s time to raise the dog licensing fees in Pennsylvania. It’s been far too long and the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement is woefully underfunded. Without this increase in funding, Pennsylvania will regain it’s shameful title as puppy mill capital of the US. I urge you to support HB526/SB232 and fix this funding as soon as possible,

First sent on February 18, 2021 by Dog Lovers of Pennsylvania

Text Sign PUKNET to 50409 to tell your officials

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  1. Text PROMOTE PUKNET to drive more signers.
  2. Have officals that don’t listen? Text DRIVE and get them out of office.
  3. Print this and post around campus or on your community bulletin board!
  4. Use the iOS app to share with your contacts!

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