Resistbot Petition: Democratic counterpoint at courthouse for judicial process transparency
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Democratic counterpoint at courthouse for judicial process transparency

2 so far! Let’s get to 5 signers!

The current Republican House leadership has enabled and amplified former President Trump's attempts to undermine faith in the judicial system, disregarding ethical bounds and judicial orders in the process. The Democratic Party should mount a visible presence at the courthouse to offer a counterpoint to those views and condemn the behavior of some members of Congress and the Senate who have failed to uphold their sworn oaths by respecting the rule of law and allowing the legal process to proceed independently, free from partisan interference or inflammatory rhetoric that erodes public trust. The impartial administration of justice is fundamental to our nation's democratic values and must be zealously guarded against those who would exploit it for political gain.

First sent on May 17, 2024 by Nobody is above the law

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