Ballot Measures: Montana
Vote Absentee-In-Person from October 7 to November 5
Montana has four ballot measures under consideration in the 2018 election cycle. While most of these are tax and permit based issues, LR-129 seeks to change how ballots are collected in Montana.
Right now, in Montana, you can turn your absentee or early ballot over to a third party for delivery to election officials. If passed, LR-129 would ban this practice, requiring that you either mail your ballot or hand-deliver it yourself. Given the large number of rural voters in Montana, this could be a significant imposition.
Impact: Moderate — the measure will disproportionately impact Hispanic, African-American, and Native-American voters but the Courts have found no evidence that the issues posed are widespread.
Support: Republican — All but one of the Democrats in the Montana Legislature voted against LR-129.
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