32 Million Estimated to Lose Coverage if ACA Repeal Passes, CBO Says
Additionally, average premiums would increase about 25% in 2018, about 50% in 2020, and would double by 2026.
Photo Credit: Sage Ross
Another Day, Another CBO Estimate
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their analysis of the latest Republican health care bill. It looks worse than the last bill, not better.
Number of Uninsured Increases
The number of people uninsured would increase by 17 million in 2018 when compared with the number under current law. This number increases to 27 million in 2020, once the Medicaid expansion and subsidies for insurance purchased through the marketplaces are completely eliminated. The number rises to 32 million in 2026.
Premiums Increase
Average premiums would increase about 25% in 2018, about 50% in 2020, and would double by 2026.
Access to Health Insurance Decreases
About half of the American population will be living in areas with no insurer participating in the nongroup market (this is the market for people who do not receive insurance as a benefit from employers). This will occur due to downward pressure on enrollment and upward pressure on premiums. This share is expected to continue to increase until it reaches about three-quarters of the population by 2026. Those are the highlights (or lowlights, if you prefer). You can read the entire report here:
H.R. 1628, Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act of 2017
While the bill appears to be dead in the water due to Senate opposition, including the opposition of multiple Republicans, Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) intends to bring a total repeal of the Affordable Care Act before the Senate on Tuesday, July 25 at the request of the President. The intention is to put Senators on the record for their vote.
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